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< Lebenssinn >

< la razón de ser >

< raison d’être >

< a reason for being >



IKIGAI translates as reason for being, while <Iki> means life and <Gai> means realization of your dreams.

This raison d’être formulated my motivation to create this bodywork home.


IKIGAI Studio is built from selected sustainable materials assembling the source of harmonious balance as a studio, elemental for clients and instructors wellbeing.


It is my wish to be contributing to all those who are open to learn about their bodies, treating them with care and love on this wonderful and inspiring platform.


I am truly excited to embark on this journey together with all of you. 


Also I wish to give a special thanks to my fellow clients who made the transition to the new IKIGAI Studio with me. And to the city of Zürich for trusting the vision and providing this object with the most incredible Bellevue room. 


And last but not least a profound thanks to all my dear friends, my partner and family who made this creation and dream come through. 


Mercedes Villanueva

IKIGAI Studio founder


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Mercedes Villanueva


  • Principal dancer in several companies in Spain, England and collaboration with the famous choreographer Maurice Béjart, Lausannne

  • Founder IKIGAI Studio

  • M.A. Tanzpädagogik ZHdK

  • Dipl. Pilates Master Trainer, Lausanne

  • Licenced Gyrotonic Expansion System Teacher

  • current education Tibetan Cranial

Mercedes daily teaches private classes and small groups of PIlates and Gyrotonic at IKIGAI




  • Certified Yoga teacher & Yoga therapist

  • Member of Swiss Yoga Association (Schweizer Yogaverband SYV) and SYV Health insurance approved

  • Dance- and movement therapist

  • Ayurveda Massage therapist

Paola teaches classical Hatha Yoga on Mondays  19:30 - 21:00 at IKIGAI and Shakti Dance evenings​




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Bruno Dietziker

  • Teacher of the Teachers with 41 years Experience

  • Owner of 'Pure Yoga' with his own Educational Institute

  • Author and Head of the 4 ½ Years Yoga Teacher Training Course accredited with the highest international standard (DYT 1'200h) – next course: May 2023 – October 2027

  • PhD in Indian Philosophy

  • Holder of 3 Yoga-Diplomas: ‚Yoga Education’ and ‚Yoga-Therapy’ (India) as well as ‚Medical Yoga’ (Korea)

Bruno teaches an unique 2hr Hatha-Yoga-Master-Class on Thursdays

19:00- 21:00 at IKIGAI open to everyone who would like to dig deeper

into oneself. Beside Asanas and Pranayama, it includes Pratyahara,

Dharana, Dhyana, Darshan (Philosophy), Mantra and Yoga Nidra​




Eleonora Hertenstein

  • Certified 1800h Yoga Teacher

  • Eidg.Dipl. Ausbilderin

  • Member of Swiss Yoga Association (Schweizer Yogaverband SYA)

  • Thai Yoga Massage Therapist

  • Health insurance approved by SYV/ SYV Krankenkassenanerkannt 

  • ​​

Eleonora teaches weekly MyYoga Flow classes on Tuesdays 19:00- 20:15




instagram: myyoga_eleonora

  • Certified Hatha- Kundalini Yoga Teacher

  • YACEPs in Yin Yoga, Pre&.Postnatal Yoga

  • Courses in Klangmassage &. Meditation

  • Dipl. social Pedagogue

Jasmin teaches Hatha Yoga on Tuesdays 17:30- 18:45. Her classes are accompanied by singing bowls. The course is suitable for beginners and advanced students who would like to deepen their practice. Book classes here .



Instagram: Yoga_and_sound_zuerich

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Sebastian Reinhard

  • Certified Tai Chi Teacher of Heaven Man Earth Internal Arts International

  •  Co-Founder of Heaven Man Earth Schweiz

  • countless hours of classes participated and taught Dissolve Therapist​



Sebastian teaches a revolutionary Tai Chi system every Wednesday from 18:00-19:30. At the end of the class you will feel more grounded, open and satisfied with life.




Instagram: hme.zurich.taichi

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Anna König

  • Zertifizierte Pilatesflows Instruktorin

  • Mentorin für Pilatesflows Instruktorinnen in Ausbildung

  • Dipl. Restauratrice / Hôtelière


Anna unterrichtet jeden Donnerstag von 17.45 – 18.45 Pilatesflows.
Die Pilatesflows-Methode, entwickelt durch Pascale Blunier, vereint Pilates mit bewährten Techniken aus der Physiotherapie, Osteopathie und innovativen Ansätzen aus der Faszienwissenschaft.


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Revati Wawra

  • Originator of SLOWLING - An Energetic Human Experience in    Holistic Behaviour

  • Master in Holistic Therapy, Traditional Energy Medicine

  • Energy and Bodywork since 20 years

  • Personal Development guidance

  • Sound-psychotherapeutical Trance Therapy

  • ​​

As an international practioner, Revati cyclically offers her transformative energy-shifting sessions at IKIGAI. She also shares her unique Atmospheric Arts and meditative ritual work in one on one and group settings. Stay tuned for upcoming dates with her.




instagram: @zenjai_revati

Matthias Egon Seigerschmidt



  • Dipl. Heilerziehungspfleger 

  • Ausbildung Autogenes Training

  • Qi Gong Kurs & Energetische Visualisierung

  • Praxis: Qi Gong, Zen Sesshin, Zazenkai sowie Zazen 

An jedem ersten Montag des Monats, öffnet Matthias früh am morgen die Türen des IKIGAI Studios für Zazen Meditation und Lohan Qi Gong.




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Belinda Kakanou

  • Founder of B-YOUnique

  • Ayurveda Psychology Therapist

  • Ayurveda Medicine Student

  • Certified Meditation & Mindfulness Teacher

  • Certified Holistic Nutritionist & Ayurvedic Nutritionist

  • Certified Yoga Teacher

  • ​

Belinda offers with B-YOUnique 1:1 Holistic Health & Wellbeing Counseling.

She focuses on your physical, but especially on your mental & emotional health. Ayurveda touches every aspect of life and so do Belinda’s sessions.
Meditation & Mindfulness are the practices she experiences as most valuable & profound, therefore she holds sporadic group sessions at IKIGAI Studio, which are open to everyone and offered on a donation basis.


Instagram: b_younique_ch

Contact us

Team Paola
Team Bruno
Team Nora
Team Eleonora
Team Matthias
Team Jasmin
Team Revati
Team Belinda
new pilates

Hornbachstrasse 23, 8008 Zürich  |  Tel: +41 78 888 03 01

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